GALILEO® in geriatrics
“Use it or loose it”
This statement is true for any age when it comes to maintaining physical fitness. Especially with increasing age, the weaknesses of the musculature and balance system become apparent and can possibly lead to a fall. In order to prevent this drastic event or to keep its consequences as low as possible, Galileo is used very successfully in geriatrics.
Galileo Therapy is therefore not only relevant for the classic prevention o Osteoporosis, but also for the muscle-related diseases Frailty, Sarcopenia and Dynapeniia.
However, the extremely wide range of applications of Galileo includes other areas such asrealising tensions improvement of mobilityand coordination, creduction of painand promotion of blood circulation.
Galileo® devices for geriatrics
Galileo® Med L Plus
Robust technology and versatile functionality for intensive individual therapy
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why Galileo® in geriatrics?
Therapy goals in geriatrics:
- Improvement of muscle function
- Muscle maintenance & building
- Bone preservation & formation
- Fall prevention
- Improved Balance
- Improved mobility
- Pain reduction
- Increasing blood flow
Efficient tool to prevent loss of muscle function
Due to its great efficiency, Galileo can enable a very short application time. Positive effects can already be achieved with only 2x10 minutes of Galileo therapy per week. This efficiency of Galileo therapy, among other things, allows for a very high level of compliance. At the same time, Galileo is safe and has been extensively studied in numerous studies, especially in geriatrics.
High Compliance
Balance disorders, loss of strength and especially loss of power are age-associated side effects that can be effectively counteracted with Galileo. Galileo Therapy is therefore an effective means of fall prevention. The vicious circle of pain-induced immobilisation and the resulting increase in pain can also be counteracted with Galileo.
Due to the side-alternating movement of the Galileo therapy platform, the triggered reflex muscle contractions can extend up into the back. Side alternation is crucial here, as this allows the muscles to contract and relax each side alternately For back patients, it is especially important to release tensions in the back muscles.
Stretching ability and flexibility are underestimated skills that are often needed in everyday life. They are often already noticeable during shoulder checks in the car. Shortening of the muscle-tendon apparatus restricts movement, which usually causes pain - the best example of this is chronic back pain. Stretchability and flexibility are crucial for the body's ability to store energy temporarily. This stored energy is essential for effective locomotion. With each step, we recycle about 80-90% of the energy needed. The loss of this storage capacity thus makes locomotion more strenuous and difficult. Galileo Therapy can be used extremely effectively to loosen tight muscles, stretch shortened structures and thus increase mobility. This results in improved posture and coordination, tension is released and the muscles are better supplied with blood.
With increasing age or immobility, muscle power and muscle strength decrease. During the Galileo application, high frequencies can therefore preferentially stimulate the growth of those muscles that are used for high forces and fast movements. Typical everyday movements in this category are rising from a chair and climbing stairs, but also the sudden lunge to avoid an imminent fall when tripping. If the muscles are also stiffened, energy can no longer be stored efficiently. Movements are lacking then the necessary speed and efficiency. With poor movement efficiency, the body has to expend much more energy for the same movement, which in turn can result in reduced performance. However, precisely this muscle power and muscle strength can be increased with Galileo Therapy.
If the muscle is used more again, this has positive effects on the bone in the medium and long term. An active muscle prevents bone loss and can strengthen the bone if used with sufficient intensity. One should bear in mind that bone formation is basically a very slow process. Space research with Galileo shows: What is lost in bone mass in 8 weeks takes 2 years to rebuild - on the other hand, bone loss could be almost completely prevented with Galileo in Bedrest studies. Short-term goals of therapy can therefore be achieved much more effectively on the muscle: A noticeable improvement in muscle function can be achieved with Galileo Therapy in just a few weeks and if you don't fall, you drastically reduce your risk of fracture!
Do you have any further questions about Galileo ® in geriatrics?
Simply arrange a non-binding consultation.
Galileo® Med L
The model for many different therapeutic areas of application
Silent operation
Hand rail
Practical optional holding bracket with integrated transport wheels
Randomly changing frequencies, crucial for balance training
Chip Card
Individual user profiles & ready-made training plans
Smart Coaching
Automatic frequency adjustment in case of incorrect posture
Remote control
Wobble remote control for quick and easy frequency adjustment
Let Galileo® Therapy convince you!
Numerous scientific studies prove the effectiveness of therapy with Galileo.
Benefit from the knowledge gained from 25 years of experience and from over 450 scientific publications on Galileo worldwide.
The Galileo® Research Fact sheets
Research results using Galileo® devices in Geriatrics
Further product groups
Further products for the field of geriatrics
Stratec pQCT
Quantification of muscle & bone geometry using high-precision computed tomography
Leonardo Mechanograph®
Quantification of muscle function & muscle power based on everyday movements